Companion Planting with Acorus – Sweet Flags
Acorus calamus
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Acorus, commonly known as sweet flag, is a genus of perennial plants known for their attractive, grass-like foliage and sweet, fragrant aroma. Acorus plants thrive in moist to wet soil and can tolerate a range of light conditions, from full sun to partial shade. When choosing companion plants for Acorus, select plants that share similar growing conditions and can create a visually appealing and diverse landscape.
Here are some plants that pair well with Acorus:
Iris (Iris ): Many iris species can tolerate moist to wet soil and can provide tall, showy flowers that create a visually appealing contrast with Acorus’s grass-like foliage. They can grow well in full sun to partial shade.
Canna (Canna ): Cannas are moisture-loving plants with bold foliage and showy flowers that can create a striking contrast with Acorus’s slender leaves. They prefer full sun to partial shade and can tolerate moist to wet soil.
Lobelia (Lobelia cardinalis): Lobelia, also known as cardinal flower, is a moisture-loving plant with bright red flowers that can create a visually appealing contrast with Acorus. They can tolerate full sun to partial shade and thrive in moist to wet soil.
Pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata): Pickerel weed is a moisture-loving plant with attractive foliage and blue-purple flower spikes that can complement Acorus’s grass-like leaves. They can tolerate full sun to partial shade and thrive in wet soil or shallow water.
Elephant’s ear (Colocasia esculenta): Elephant’s ear plants can provide large, bold foliage that can create a striking contrast with Acorus’s slender leaves. They prefer full sun to partial shade and can tolerate moist to wet soil.
Ferns: Some fern species, such as cinnamon fern (Osmundastrum cinnamomeum) and royal fern (Osmunda regalis), can tolerate moist to wet soil and can add texture and interest to the landscape around Acorus. They prefer partial shade.
Japanese primrose (Primula japonica): Japanese primrose is a moisture-loving perennial with colorful, showy flowers that can create a visually appealing contrast with Acorus. They prefer partial shade and can tolerate moist to wet soil.
Sedges (Carex ): Sedges are grass-like plants that can tolerate moist to wet soil and can create a visually appealing contrast with Acorus. They can grow well in full sun to partial shade.
Marsh marigold (Caltha palustris): Marsh marigolds are moisture-loving perennials with bright yellow flowers that can create a visually appealing contrast with Acorus. They can tolerate full sun to partial shade and thrive in wet soil or shallow water.
Swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata): Swamp milkweed is a moisture-loving perennial with showy, pink flowers that can create a visually appealing contrast with Acorus. They can tolerate full sun to partial shade and thrive in moist to wet soil.
When planning your garden or landscape, always consider each plant’s specific growing conditions and requirements. By planting compatible companions, you can create a more diverse, healthy, and visually appealing environment around your Acorus plants.
Now you know What to plant with Acorus – Sweet Flags