Companion Planting with Leucanthemum – Daisies
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Leucanthemum, commonly known as Daisies or Shasta Daisies, are herbaceous perennials known for their cheerful, white, daisy-like flowers with yellow centers. They thrive in well-draining soil and full sun to part shade. When choosing companion plants for Leucanthemum, consider plants with contrasting foliage, complementary colors, and varying heights to create visual interest. Here are some suggestions for plants to pair with Leucanthemum:
Salvia: Salvias produce spiky flowers in various colors that can complement Leucanthemum’s blooms. They are also drought-tolerant and attractive to pollinators.
Echinacea (Coneflower): These perennials come in various colors and are great for attracting pollinators. Their daisy-like flowers will contrast nicely with the classic white blooms of Leucanthemum.
Lavender: With its fragrant, purple flowers and silvery-green foliage, Lavender is an excellent companion for Leucanthemum. Both plants prefer well-draining soil and full sun.
Nepeta (Catmint): With its aromatic, gray-green foliage and lavender-blue flowers, Nepeta provides a contrasting texture and color to Leucanthemum. Both plants prefer well-draining soil and full sun to part shade.
Coreopsis: These cheerful, daisy-like flowers come in a range of colors and can complement the classic white blooms of Leucanthemum. They are also low-maintenance and drought-tolerant.
Ornamental grasses: Planting grasses like Pennisetum, Miscanthus, or Panicum near Leucanthemum can provide contrasting texture and movement in the garden.
Hardy Geranium (Cranesbill): With their mounding growth habit and saucer-shaped flowers, Hardy Geraniums create a contrasting texture and color to Leucanthemum. They are low-maintenance, long-blooming, and thrive in a variety of conditions.
Rudbeckia (Black-Eyed Susan): With their bright yellow, daisy-like flowers, Rudbeckias can create a vibrant color contrast with Leucanthemum’s white blooms. Both plants are low-maintenance and attract pollinators.
Campanula (Bellflower): Campanula’s bell-shaped flowers provide a contrasting shape to Leucanthemum’s daisy-like blooms. Both plants have similar growing requirements, preferring well-draining soil and full sun to part shade.
Remember to consider the specific growing conditions in your garden when selecting companion plants. Be sure to choose plants with similar sunlight, water, and soil requirements to ensure they thrive together.
Now you know What to plant with Leucanthemum – Daisies